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False Alarm Detection in Wireless Body Sensor Network using Adaptive and Intelligent Approach

by Binoy Barman Shubha, Sajjad Waheed, Kazi Sadlil Rhythom
Communications on Applied Electronics
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 3 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Binoy Barman Shubha, Sajjad Waheed, Kazi Sadlil Rhythom

Binoy Barman Shubha, Sajjad Waheed, Kazi Sadlil Rhythom . False Alarm Detection in Wireless Body Sensor Network using Adaptive and Intelligent Approach. Communications on Applied Electronics. 3, 6 ( December 2015), 1-9. DOI=10.5120/cae2015651972

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False Alarm is one kind of faulty measuring process which can create unusual intervention over healthcare personnel. In our paper, we proposed an Adapting and Intelligent approach to help detecting false alarm in WBSN (Wireless Body Sensor Network). The practical implementation of our work is able to explore the challenges over our false alarm detection architecture. Our system is able to detect the false alarm thats occurred in the patient monitoring sensor data transmission and also have capability to minimize this faulty measure. Moreover, our approach over false alarm detection afforded by WBSN can improve the primitive patient monitoring system as well as the quality of wireless based healthcare service. We proposed two approaches for detection false alarm in the wireless body sensor network. One is MD (Mahalanobis Distance) and another is Dynamic Threshold Calculation method.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


False Alarm WBSN (Wireless Body Sensor Network) MD Dynamic Threshold Truetime