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An Overview and Perspective of Desktop Grid Middleware to Speed up Smul8 process by Predicting Child Mortality Birth and Death Rate in West African Countries

by Edje E. Abel
Communications on Applied Electronics
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 2 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Edje E. Abel

Edje E. Abel . An Overview and Perspective of Desktop Grid Middleware to Speed up Smul8 process by Predicting Child Mortality Birth and Death Rate in West African Countries. Communications on Applied Electronics. 2, 3 ( June 2015), 37-43. DOI=10.5120/cae-1696

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Desktop Grid middleware enables the connection of two or more computer systems to work together by harnessing their processing power to perform complex computational task. Desktop Grid Computing is fault tolerant due to the fact that, the failure of one computer system does not halt the execution process of the assigned task. This research study explore in detail about desktop grid computing and computer simulation. It discuss briefly about the child mortality birth and death rate in West African countries. The challenges of the existing systems used to predict child mortality birth and death rate in West African States were highlighted; thus a proposed system solution called "Desktop Grid Middleware to Speed up Smul8" was modeled to resolve some of the flaws of the existing system. The responsibility of the proposed system is to speed up the execution process via Simul8 to predict the total number of child mortality birth and death rate, within a specified timeframe (e g. from the year 2016 to 2090) at the shortest possible time by combining the processing powers of four Computer Systems. The proposed system solution was also recommended to health agencies and other humanitarian agencies and end with a conclusion.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) Simul8 Software Application (SSA) Nations inter-agency group for Mortality Estimation (UNIGME) Desktop Grid Middleware (DGM) Hydron Collider (HC) Discrete Event-type Simulation (DES) and Dynamic or Continuous Simulation (DCS)