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Comparative Analysis of On-Demand (Pull) Scheduling Algorithm

by R. Kavitha, S. Krishna Mohan Rao
Communications on Applied Electronics
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 6 - Number 6
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: R. Kavitha, S. Krishna Mohan Rao

R. Kavitha, S. Krishna Mohan Rao . Comparative Analysis of On-Demand (Pull) Scheduling Algorithm. Communications on Applied Electronics. 6, 6 ( Jan 2017), 40-44. DOI=10.5120/cae2017652490

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The two most important issues that have to be handled in data dissemination are efficiently exploit the available bandwidth and conserver the energy of mobile devices. In the previous research, Optimal Round Robin (ORR) Scheduling Algorithm for dissemination of varied length data items was proposed. In this paper, another scheduling algorithm which is similar to ORR is proposed and prove that it has better performance when compared in terms of access time. The existing metric stretch is used to propose new algorithm. The analytical model for the proposed algorithm show that it performs well.

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  12. R. Kavitha, S.Krishna Mohan Rao “,Optimal Round Robin (ORR) Scheduling for On-Demand Broadcast in Mobile Computing Environment” , IJARCSSE , vol 3, sep-2013, pp-1014-1019
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Access time bandwidth broadcast schedule round robin waiting time